Wir uebernachten im Grenzort Lavumisa und fuehren erste interessante Gespraeche mit Einheimischen ueber ihr Land.
In aller Fruehe stehen wir am Folgetag auf und radeln nach Swaziland hinein. Links und rechts des Weges sehen wir kleine Huetten. Kinder sind gerade auf dem Weg zur Schule und gruessen freundlich: Sawubona!
Die Morgenstimmung in der aufgehenden Sonne ist schoen.We spent the night in Lavumisa as our bodies had taken a battering and needed some soul healing. We spoke to the local town clerk and a few of his officials to help us get our bearing straight on which orphanages that we should visit.
The morning greeted us with a beautiful sunrise. We heard the greetings of children and people on their way to work, Sawubona! which means Hallo! The huts are made from local materials and we were sure that they were as cool as an air conditioned car. The rays of sunlight woke up even the most tired of souls to go to work or school.